April 3

Hello helloooo!!!

Alright! Here you have the SURPRISE!  

Dear families! I had a really wonderful time with you! But here comes the amazing English and Music teacher I was replacing. Laia is AWESOME! Enjoy her a lot!!! 

Give a really big kiss to your little kiddos from me! 

Byeee byeee!!!! Miss Elena

*Estimades families! Gràcies a vosaltres he passat tots aquest mesos super bé! Però ara torna la fantàstica mestra d'anglès i música. Per qui no la coneix, és ESPECTACULAR! Els vostres fills aprendran molt amb ella!

Un petó molt gran als vostres fills de part meva! 
A reveure!!! Miss Elena


April 2

Good morning families!!! 

I was a little bit inspired this morning... and I recorded some videos for each grade! One story for p3 followed by the famous song "One little finger", a musical dance for p4 and a musical game for p5. 
Remember you can take photos of how your children are listening or playing the activities or videos on the blog, upload them on Instagram and tag the school!

*Molt bon dia families!

Avui tinc preparat per vosaltres diferents activitats i cançons, una per cada curs! Per p3 un conte junt amb la seva cançó, per p4 una dança i per p5 un joc musical. Recordeu que podeu fer fotos de com fan les activitats els vostres fills, pujar-les a l'Instagram i mencionar l'escola!

Musical story and its song for p3! 

For p4... an entertaining dance!

 And finally... for p5 a musical activity to laugh and have a good time! 

 Let's finish the day with two spring songs which we can practice also the numbers!


Miss Elena



Today's 1st of April!!! And I have here for you really funny songs for singing and playing! Are songs related to the story "We're going on a bear hunt" that you can enjoy on the English blog. 

*Molt bon dia!
Avui és 1 d'abril i tinc materials molt divertits per tots vosaltres! Són cançons per cantar i ballar lligades al conte explicat al bloc d'anglès: anem a la caça d'un ós. Disfruteu-les! 



And now an awesome storyteller! Enjoy him!


Have a good bear hunt! Good luck!
Miss Elena


31th of March

Goood morning families! 

Related with the HABITS I told you yesterday, today you can have fun getting dressed with these super amazing songs! You can get yourself the song proposed below for your child's age or see them all. It's ok! 👌😉

* Molt bon dia families!

Ahir us vaig comentar que avui dimarts fariem els HABITS. Doncs aquí teniu unes super divertides cançons per treballar els bons hàbits a casa. He proposat una per cada curs encara que si voleu que el vostre fill les vegi totes, podeu fer-ho perfectament!

So here's my proposal for p3: 


Now for p4:

And finally for p5!

Have fun singing! 🎤

Byyyyyeee! Miss Elena


30th of March

Gooood morning! Goood Monday!! 🌈

How was the weekend? Did you have fun with the family? If you did some of the activities proposed in the blog you can take a picture of it and upload it on the Instagram labeling the school! It would be a nice share!!! 📷📷📷

As I told you on the English blog, this week we'll be working on the NUMBERS! So here you can enjoy some songs 🎶 for your kids to improve the counting and learn more! 
Tomorrow we will work on the HABITS, but let's start with it! ENJOY!!! 🤗🤗🤗

 *Molt bon dia families i molt bon dilluns!
Com ha anat el cap de setmana? Us heu divertit en familia? Segur que si! Si heu fet algunes de les activitats i jocs proposades al blog podeu fer-ne algunes fotos i pujar-les a l'INSTAGRAM etiquetant a l'Escola! 

Com us he comentat al bloc d'anglès, aquesta setmana treballarem els números i els hàbits a casa, però començarem pels números. Ja demà us penjaré cosetes del hàbits!

Here above you have one for p3 and p4 👆👆👆, 

and downwards for p5👇👇👇!  

Enjoy it! 

A really big kiss for you, honeys!!! 😘😘
 Miss Elena



 27th of March

Goooood Friday, families!!! 🌻

Today I upload in the Music blog two really WONDERFUL songs related to the activities published in the ENGLISH corner. So you can mix both subjects and learn, cook and play by SINGING and DANCING! 🎤💃🕺

* Molt bon divendres, families!
Avui al bloc de Music us adjunto cançons relacionades amb la publicació d'English perquè així les activitats d'English vagin acompanyades de la música i els moviments d'aquestes super cançons!

The first song is better for p3 and p4 kids! Here you have it 👇👇👇

*Aquesta és la cançó per p3 i p4. Aquí la teniu! 👇👇👇

And for p5... Miss Elena prepared a special song and a really cool activity for it:
pat-a-cake and write your initial on it! 🅰🍩🧁🍰

Difficult? 🤔

Keep calm! Miss Elena will help you with the song and with some images. Have fun and... HAPPY MEAL! 🍽

* I per p5... Miss Elena ha preparat una cançó i una activitat ben divertida:
preparar un pastís (pot ser amb plastelina) i escriure-hi la inicial del nostre nom!


Tranquils! Us dono un cop de mà amb les següents imatges. 
A passar-ho bé i BON PROFIT! 

And now some images!

Have a deliciousss time together with the family! 😋
See you on Monday! Miss Elena


26th of March

Good morning families!!! 👋🏼👋🏼

Today Donald Duck and I have a very special surprise for you... 🎁 Donald will tell you what's his favorite color and we'll guess it by singing! 🎨🎶 You can have a look here below the video and after watching it,👇👇 you can draw something cool in your favorite color! If you prefer, Miss Elena share's with you some pictures of Donald to paint him! 

* Bon dia families!!!

Avui el Donald i jo tenim una sorpresa per vosaltres... us direm quin és el seu color preferit amb una cançó! Aquí teniu el link directe. 
Quan acabeu el video, poden dibuixar alguna cosa amb diferents colors o només amb el seu color preferit. Si ho preferiu i teniu impresora, també poden pintar el Donald Duck! 

Have fun!!!! 😁😁😁🎼🎼


24th of March

What a beautiful SPRING day!!! Don't you think? 🌸☀

Today in the ENGLISH blog we worked on the COLORS, so we'll in here! Here you have two songs for p3, others for p4 and another one for p5. Let's start with the little kiddos of p3

Now is the turn of the CARS and the ELEPHANTS of p4!

Anf finally... for the ssssssuper ASTRONAUTS and 
the suuuuuppper POLAR BEARS of  p5

And that's enough for today! Have fun learning by singing!!! 🎤🎤

Love you, Miss Elena 😘


Good morning everybody!!!! 👋

How are you today?? I want to share something very special for all of you... Do you want to know what is it? Some videos for all of you! 🎞▶ One for each grade, do you agree with this idea? I hope you enjoy! 🎉😄

Luckily I have here with me some puppets the kids already know: Peter Rabbit (p3), Jemima (p4)🦆...  So I think they will enjoy the better videos. Let's start with the little kiddos of p3!

Tap here below! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 

*Bon dia a tothom!!!!

Com esteu avui?? M'agradaria compartir amb vosaltres una sorpresa que us he estat preparant aquests dies... Voleu saber què és? Uns videos de Miss Elena per tots vosaltres! Hi haurà un per cada curs. Què us sembla la idea? Espero que els disfruteu!

Per sort tinc aqui amb mi alguns dels ninos que utilitzem a la classe i els nens ja coneixen: el Peter Rabbit (p3), la Jemima (p4)... I crec que si surto amb ells als nens els hi farà més il·lusió. Doncs comencem pels més petits de p3!

Premeu aqui sota! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Let's continue with the fantastic Jemima Puddle-Duck for p4! 
Tap here below! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

*Continuem amb la fantàstica Jemima de p4! 
Premeu aqui sota! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

And finally, for the oldest ones, I don't have any puppets such as in p3 or p4 but I've prepared a song they really enjoy! I hope they'll sing it at home too as well as in school! 
Tap here below! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

*I finalment un pels més grans, que encara que no tingui un nino a casa per ells com per p3 i p4, els he preparat aquesta cançó que tan bé canten a l'escola! Espero que la cantin i s'ho passin tan bé a casa com al cole! 
Premeu aqui sota! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 

Have a nice day!!!! ☀ See you soon!!!!
See you later, alligator!!! 🐊

Kisses, Miss Elena. 👋🏼👱‍♀

3 comentaris:

  1. Miss Elena Biel López de P4B te echara muchisimo de menos. Te queremos y gracias por ser como eres.

    familia lopez maldonado


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